

Autumn 2015 Spring 2018 Autumn 2018   Height 16 cm Width: 20 cm Oversized pot still in action due to the problematic roots.  I will check their conditions next spring to se what can be done there.  

Strings of pearls

It has been raining for last 30 hours or so. The rain droplets came down as if  bonsai watering can with very fine nozzle has been used.   The tree have taken the opportunity to decorate themselves with fancy pearl dress... I could not resist to take few pics.

Hawthorn_ROR Drunkard

Slowly getting there.  Still some root work on roots and fine tuning of the crown.  The rest should come with time... Badly needs some blossoms/berries though  Winter 2015 Summer 2018  Autumn 2018 Heght: +/- 38 cm Width:  50 cm

Busy. Spiders et al

The autumn has its indisputable charm.  Well, at least if do not have an  arachnophobia.   For those who does I have this birch. Height:  85 cm

A single bench assembled on a sizeable granite stone

At the early dark times of our small garden I have scattered few reasonable sized  granite stones  there.  ( Reasonable sized = few hundred kilos of weight ).   At that time I was in love with the water so the selection of stones has reflected that.  Large stones well smoothed by the wild watters of White Elbe upriver.  In last few years hand in hand with the  growing number of my yamadories I am trying to blend the character of the garden with/around the potted trees.  Due to that some of the stones have lost their solitary status and I have put on their top some of the potted trees.  The stability of such arrangements  was always a bit of problem - strong gusts of wind, cats and probably some other living creatures that occupy this place during night hours.  I have never spot them at the daytime but I believe there are stone martens, racoon dogs, hedgehogs... ( at least if I can read the marks in the snow well - sorry I am not t...

Pyrus pyraster_ 2018 yamadori

One of few trees that I have collected this year.   A nice feminine wild pear with a resonable aged bark ( it is supposed to have a feminine look isn't it ) and gentle movement of the trunk.  Nothing very special as you can see but still worth the effort of collection.   What makes me to take my camera was the great colour of the leaves.  Wild pears present themselves with a nice  reddish colour of their leaves in the early autumn.  Well, not all of them at the same time.   The smallish tree on the bottom right is another yamadori wild pear collected in spring 2017.  Still nicely green and working.  Above the pear there are A. ginnala and P. mahaleb also in a full working mode.  A nice article at about autumn colours.  You may not take all the presented argument on their face value but its  worth to read. 

Prunus mahaleb_#10

I have sat with a great local potter and bonsai artist Martin AĊĦenbrenner in front of this tree last September trying to find a best suitable pot to get this little tree  to another level.   Finally,  we have agreed on the size and possible colour of the ceramic glaze.  +/- to be fair.  Martin has a wood fired kiln so the outcome of the colour is something that you cannot planned 100%.    Unfortunately the pot was  supposed to finished only in May so I have decided to move the tree to some of my pot I have on hands.  Not a good fit in terms of sizes but still better than the plastic one. Summer 2017 As discussed in one of the previous posts  related to this tree the outline of the crown is missing important part in the right hand top quarter.  So to tackle this flaw was the main plan for 2018... Summer 2018 Right, so this is how it looks in the middle of the summer.   The empty space has been fill...