Small trees in my backyard... Part five: Prunus spinosa_Smaller than small

Small trees in my backyard... Part five:  Prunus spinosa_Smaller than small

Height: Around 10 cm
Collected: Central Bohemia
Age: + 20 years

It is quite difficult to find a decent sloe in my region.  Most of them look pretty much like a stick to support tomatoes.  Only a few have reasonable thick trunk,  but no taper.  Finally,  a very few are worth of collection.  Lucky enough to find one after hours you have spent on your knees clearing your way through the prickly shrubs?   GREAT.  You have completed the easy part.  NOW you  face a challenge how to bring home not only the trunk, but also enough roots to keep the plant alive.

BUT if you succeed,  then you are every single spring rewarded with a flood of delicate yellowish white blossoms that contrast with dark chocolate color of the branches and trunk.  After the pollination the  fruits appear.  Small hardly visible green balls that quickly gain volume and end up with frosted blue color that attracts not only the bonsai enthusiasts but also black birds from surrounding gardens...

July 2015. Second flush of growth after the late spring pruning

On the right: Thread grafts to add new roots. 

Nov 2015




The XXL pot has been used to accomodate the long original  root&thread grafted  seedlings (adding new roots closer to the surface.

Presented small trees:

Carpinus betulus here
   Prunus spinosa_1  here         Jun. communis  here             Acer campestre here


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