The Grandma of Pears_ the most valuable tree of my collection.

The Grandma of Pears_ the most valuable tree of my collection
What is the value of my most  favourite tree?  And how did I calculate it?

My metrics are far from the standard one even though at the end it has the two most important parts integrated.   What are these two parts?    ADMIRATION and JOY that please your soul.  What is behind of those parts?  For most of the bonsai enthusiasts it could be species of the tree, its age, design, proportions and scales. For some others it could be the name of the person who has trained and shaped the tree or the name of the previous owner.    For a few others, it is the intimate relations with the tree quite often grown from a seed...

For me it is the common memories that are linked to the tree.

So what about The Grandma?

     It is the early March 2011.  I am sitting in the car watching the grey sky and cords of rain  drumming on the hood.    

     I am on my knees trying to dig out the deeply rooted old pear with one of the most beautiful bark I have ever seen.

    The DESPAIR when I realized that there is only a very limited number of roots that I will take home with us.

     Sliding down the hill on my back protecting the pear with my body.

    Placing the planted tree in the on the purpose built small greenhouse located in the attic. Misting the inner area and the plant several times a day and night.

   Buying the special blue spectrum lamp at the Grower shop to promote the growth of the roots.  

   The eager expectation at the time  I went to see the tree in the morning.  The thorough examination of the branches every single day to spot the first signs of new growth. And again the despair - no growth yet.

    Then finally  the first light green spots appeared on the buds.   The plates has started to crack  as the buds has swollen. And then the first tiny leaves.    

The first winter.   The tree is back in the shed in the non frost area.  Perhaps not the very best for the native trees but I believe it is the best for this tree right now

The next spring - waiting eagerly for the leaves.  First few ones.  GREAT.   Tiny, not very large and in quite small quantity  for such tree.   BUT they are there and I believe the pear has made it.

What is the value of your memories?


I know. The tree has a number of faults.   It may take ages and one or two more years to correct them. Maybe it will not be possible at all...  Who cares?

Initial story in  here


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