Revolution in bonsai design

Revolution in bonsai design
  In the existence of the mankind, there are certain milestones that have a dramatic and profound impact on our development.   The moment our predecessors have left the relative safety of the trees and  have invaded savannas, the industrial revolution in England, etc.   The discovery I have made is something possibly not THAT significant BUT I do believe that for the huge crowd of bonsai enthusiasts this will be the total game changer.  Something that will split our lives  into  two distinctive periods: BEFORE and AFTER.
     Before I will explain the invention in more juicy details, please allow me to briefly describe the rationale behind.
    I am sure that a vast majority of bonsai enthusiasts is familiar with the situation that you have to move a number of your trees around the garden or to have them in your  garage studios  for styling or basic maintenance, to bring your priceless trees to local club exhibitions etc.  How do you do that?  Mostly one by one.   Tedious and strenuous job.  Not to mention the potential risks of damaging the nicely weathered bark...   How I can speed this up? That was the basic question that has badgered my mind all the time.  For months and months without any practical result.  But then, at 11,35 on Sunday  somewhere around the year 2014 I have hit the golden pit.  Sitting in a beer garden I have watched a pretty lady serving beer.

A stroke of good luck.

                                             A bonsai tree with a carry on handle.

First thoughts about the most suitable material.  Plastics? Stainless steel?  Wood would be the most ecological material, but what about its stability and resistance to rot?  A number of sleepless nights have passed.  I knew I was close, but yet not fully there. My intension was nothing less than a material with zero carbon footprint. Something that is greener than green...Something that would be as if it is made by Mother Nature.  Wait, that's it.  I do not need something as if....providing   It is MADE BY NATURE.

Thread graft-Bonsai_Yamadori
Thread graft
                                    A branch meandering gracefully around the trunk



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