
Malus evereste_Thread grafting

A failure of an approach graft from last year = a chance to make it better this time but with a thread graft.  Or better to say an improved method of it.  Tubing.

I do like this method more and more.  Less stressful for swelled buds. Not to mention me...

Malus_Thread grafting
The branch inserted into the tube


Please note the position of buds.  Better for healing and good for the lenght of the internodes.   The first bud could be a start of a new branch if necessary

The tree has been kept outside till the end of Jan.  Surprisingly nice and mild month with lowest temp just minus 2-3°C.   With the arrival of frost in Feb it has been moved to the frost free storage.  Now its a start of March and it seems that the daily temps will go nicely above freezing point.  So, I guess  the tree will be on the move.   Out for days and In for cold nights.   


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