Pyracantha shohin_Starter

This small Pyracantha a. is part of my Mr. Jekyll shohin collection.  OK, I know.  Shohin_starters is the correct word to be used here.  

 Height: 15 cm
Garden tree, Pyracantha, shohin, blossoms

I wonder what kind of mess is hidden by the merciful canopy of leaves?   


 I am at doubt. What is more attractive? Tiny, gentle buds just before they open or the decorative beauty of fully opened blossoms covered by the early morning dew?  Appreciated with a sip of Tullamore dew perhaps?

A note from Mr. Hyde:  
Forget about shohin.     Just wait to see my new four handed monster trunk mahaleb from this spring collection...

Luckily both of the guys is united when it comes to the weather: Bugger. No rain for more than 36 days now. 


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