Big footed larch_bending thick trunk

I have spotted this little larch back in 2008 or so.   And our relations have evolved from " this is it" to  " well,  maybe later" and finally to "OK, lets go" in spring 2015.
Why all this hesitation?
First, I was not sure if I like the bulb shaped base of the tree.  And frankly, I do have doubts even now...
Second - the major part of the trunk has been just like a straight beam.  No taper, no movement.

Spring 2017.
Time to work on the straight trunk.   My favourite (Double C)n  method =  multiple Cut and Close method. 


I have planned a bit more acute angle, but the tree was not very happy about it.  At a certain moment I have heard a cracking noise and after an inspection I have discovered quite nasty looking crack just above the cut.  So I have stopped it.  Hoping it was not too late...

Spring 2018
The larch has recovered  and produced a good number of new shoots.

The crack covered nicely by callus



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