
Showing posts from July, 2018

The HUG_Prunus mahaleb with a single live vein and bulky deadwood

No TdF cycling today and  the deeply buried thorn in my right palm prevents me from most of the bonsai activities - so a good time to share  another piece of a dead wood... Right, so what we have here is "a typical bonsai".   The size of both jins is too big and there is too much dead wood. A single narrow live vein that feeds  an airy crown.  Something you may find on a junipers, but not really on a deciduous tree.  Unless the tree has started a countdown to pack it... But despite all this there it is.  And  I do like it.  It is not a bunjin but I have tried to style the crown into something that reflects my  vision  how I see the bunjin-gi during  my day dreaming procrastination.  The narrow live vein is the only vital line that connects roots to the leaves.   Cliffs heated by the sun, scarce water supply, biting frosts.  All that is deeply embedded in the face of this little tree.  Would you exp...

Elm_what about a broom...

I have been planning to start with a broom for some time.  But it was only this year when I have picked nicely growing small elm with reasonable straight trunk.  With a little bit of hesitation, I have cut off the nicely developed leader and removed a bit of outer wood to make space for expected new growth.  All this happened somewhere in the second half of May.  During the first week after the cut - no signs of  the new growth.   OK, no problem. Too early - just a little bit of patience old man.   Second week - no action.  Third week - copy paste.  First signs of a despair in my face.  Have I lost a nicely growing plant just for my desire to have a broom?   Forth week - I have not bothered to check. Fifth week - a visitor came to my place.  While passing the bench I have picked the container with the stub to share my bad feelings.  While talking I have noticed a greenish dot  on one side of the cut fa...

New benches in the yard_Monkey poles

Sandstone from old quarry,  foxtail saw with HM plates,  wood from larch, stainless woodscrews & a guy with two hands - both left. And strong minded character ( it is fair to say - the character of my spouse ).     A feature of interest: the light coloured object on the pole?   A fossil found while cutting the slabs  Now, where to get a nice bonsai to put on there?