Dojetí znamená více než obdiv Joyful tears means more than admiration

... easy to say that in Czech but how to translate it to English without loosing its meaning?

Emotions mean more than admiration?  But emotions seems to be quite generic word. My feeling is that it has multiple meanings while dojetí is fairly straitforward.

Being moved means more than admiration, perhaps?   Any help?   

 Thanks to the help of my friend from Canada there is the translation that fits very well:



I have realized the power of this expression while watching young Shinji Suzuki visiting monumental juniper somewhere in national park.  Overwhelmed by the charisma of the tree,  he was full of emotions/tears...

Then, thinking more and more about that I have realised that the trigger is not just in the tree.  The other trigger was  hidden somewhere deep in Mr.Suzuki's  brain/heart/soul.  And once these two triggers managed to establish the right connection - click- the emotions have found their way out...

So  I guess  the most important factor is the  " right connection between triggers ".   The same thing may trigger different reactions from different people.   While for someone it could  make his/her eyes wet because of the visual beauty/or the incredible story the tree tells,  the same tree for someone else could mean just a pile of wood to make nice furniture. ( And then feeling moved by the vision of possible earnings... )
   So it is not a big surprise that while I am full of emotions looking at this little tree I do not expect you to have the same feelings about it.  And I know there is no single reason for that - this little tree will never ever have the power of a great story teller. 
For me though  it is a different as I was part of his life story.   I am not seeing just the tree,  but  I can see behind the tree the whole long journey that has taken us from the first spot till today.  Journey full of searching, considerations, doubts and decisions.
And for sure changes...

It is great to reach this stage.

Height: 25 cm  from the top rim of the container
Width: 45 cm
Collected: 2009-10?

I have never really liked this straight piece of wood. (The Root above )  Have made numerous attempts to start some new roots that will allow me to shorten the main one and get some movement into this part.   But looking at  this root from the perspective of the tree - it makes a good sense as another strong anchoring point.  It means the straight root, regadless of my feelings  is an indispensable part of the story the tree shares with us.  Stability.   Stability - don't we look for the same in our life?   How many songs have a motive of coming home?  Why are we so impressed by the strong lateral surface roots looking at a monumental tree in the Nature?  Is it just because of their visual impact or is there a connection to the - I want stability - trigger buried somewhere deep inside us?   Why do we try to make them visible in our designs?   Is it just because it looks better that way? 

 Are you sure?


Need some work on roots - get new ones, sort out the existing ones to make the tree more powerful.  For the winter silhouette the quality of nebari and  visual impact of the trunk make more than 70% of the value.

What next?

I plan to tilt the tree more to the right to make it more dynamic.  And that gives another challenge -  more advanced container.  Again...

The tree that makes my eyes wet is the Miharu takizakura... 


  1. Nádhera :) Strom aj myšlienky.

  2. Moc dobrý strom. Korene vyzerajú veľmi prirodzene a dodávajú stromu potrebnú "stabilitu". Už sa teším na misku.


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