Larch_Yamadori 2020

Despite all the claims about overcrowded shelves I could not resist to take home with me this beautiful larch.   Well, I know it is not very typical tree but that is true for most of my other trees anyway...

Bunjin-gi.  And kind of a special one.  A tree that has been trying to reach as far as possible to get more light from the sun. 

Sunrays finder.

And very old one. With very natural movement of the trunk ( the side view ).

Just have a look.

Current lenght: sligtly over 100 cm


  1. Najs? That's not good enough! Try it again, Mimo-san.

    If you do not live somewhere in the subalpine region to find a tree that could be transformed from a yamadori to a great bonsai within 3-5 years from collection thats very special. Even for a literati.

    I know that ujo W could make it within next twelve
    months... Luckily this is not his tree #11286

    Just kidding...


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