If only it looks like a birch...

Massive nebari is probably the most attractive feature  right now...

The trunk has nice white color...

The crown starts showing some initial branch structure and even some sort of ramification...   

Is it a birch, though?

Birches tend to be slim, tall trees with thin long branches.  White in color with lots of black spots.  Joyful dalmatians.   Well, at least the vast majority of birches looks like that.   

For sure, this tree will never have such typical habitus.  

On the other side there are some very old gnarled birches that definitely differ from the " typical" birch perception.   

Looking at this one I know that I need to go into this direction.   

And that would require a lot of time to get the right appearance of age.   This tree looks promising but still looking way  toooo young for that category.




  1. Vôbec nevypadá špatne! Mimochodom, parádne nebari.

    1. Díky, Rasťo.
      Nebari je sice hezky rozložité, ale zatím je, na můj vkus, jak dětská prdelka. Bílá barva kmene je spíš šedivá a nemá ten správný šmrnc.
      Ten stromek určitě není úplně špatnej a jednou by z něho mohla být moc pěkná, vrásčitá stará dáma. V hlavě to mám. Jen to přenést do reálu...:) Ale tohle bude záviset hlavně na tom, jak moc bude stromek spolupracovat.


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