Shohin_Taxus baccata_ROR in development

   This little yew has been collected from a garden colony  in 2017.   It was clear that there is reasonable potential for a small cascade.   With a bonus  challenge presented by a straight trunk and one of the root.    

In early spring 2019 I have managed to bend the trunk.  The yew has struggled a bit but being a tough guy it managed to make it. 


9th March 2021  

Earlier this morning I have taken the tree into the shop together with few stones collected in past few years with ROR in mind.

And this is the result.   It would be much easier to have 4 hands rather than just two  but somehow I have managed to fix it.   The fit is not 100% but taking into account the size of the tree and the stiffness of the wood of yew - I can live with it.



As a next step I will put around the stone a plastic mesh to create a kind of container that should work as a incubator for the growth of new roots.

I do not present the Before x After pictures very often.  And I will continue doing so for reasons that sounds good to me.  With some exceptions like this one. 



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