Prunus mahaleb_X_Men

 X-Men?   The Hug Men?  Predator?     Forget it.   My brother in scissors Rasťo has come with the perfect name.   Frankly, I had to look for the meaning of Ent in the wiki but once I saw the picture  I was in love with it.    Perfect.  

Thank you, Rasťo.


OK, back to the Ent.

I  have made some corrections to lower parts last night.   It still needs some indian ink to blend nicely with the rest. And then few coats of resin to preserve it.   

The crown  needs to add some wood.  Not too much though.   I do not like trees that have a lot of deadwood  combined with a flourishing crown full of branchlets.   But that is not a problem of the tree but rather of the person behind it...

Prunus mahaleb_The Ent

Height: 50 cm

Pot: Training China




  1. Ahoj Vláďo, to je jasný Ent, pastier stromov...

    1. Rasťo, to fakt sedí. To z Tebe dělá kmotra...

    2. Haha, to je pocta. Ja svoje stromy nepomenovávam, ale tu to bol spontánny nápad. Tak nech sa Entovi darí! Verím že ho časom uvidíme aj v kvete.

  2. Tiež som nevedel čo je Ent, ale sedí to. Parádne mŕtve drevo.

  3. Díky, Maroš. Pravá strana a střed jsou Nature, levá Dremel, dláto etc.


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