Cornus mas - Initial styling
Yamadori collected in 2012 in the hilly area of central Bohemia. First shaping has been carried out in June 2014. I have changed the angle of the main brach by notching it on the top and bringing it closer to the trunk by a guy wire. The notch on the top side of the branch works better for me than the notch on the bottom. You do not need to worry too much about the connection of the cambium and the flow of saps seems to be less disturbed. Most of the time the callus covers the notch within 12 - 24 months. I have also wired and shaped the branches. October 2013 November 2014 Bottom right arrow - position of the notch. The callus has nearly closed the notch Top right arrow - problematic thickned area. Too many braches there. Needs to be fixed. Left arrow - a stump of the branch. Will be removed and converted into shari/jin Detail of the current shari