If you can manufacture with water, then you cannot loose... This was a learning that I have got from an old retail practitioner who made most of his carrier and fortune during the so called socialist era of the country I live. Clearly I wasn't the only one to learn this wisdom. Definitely not here in CZ. Water, water and water. We buy added water with fish, meat, processed food, salads, bakery products and probably many more others. Last spring I decided to build a portable smoking chamber to make a home made products I was familiar with as a kid who lived in a small village. Home smoked hams ( meat from home fattened pigs, smoked rabbits, meat saussages... During the years I have lost the original taste of it. The only thing I have remembered was the happiness I have felt observing the preparatory work and tasting the finished products. No worries that the freshly bought ham from a superstore...