Prunus Spinosa_1

Prunus Spinosa_1
Prunus spinosa
Height: 18 cm till the top jin
Diameter:  4,5 cm
Training pot 

A sloe is one of my most favourite deciduous tree/bush.  There are  not many good quality blackthorns bonsai in the Czech Republic.   First of all it is quite difficult to find a decent tree in the nature. And secondly, it is even more difficult to collect a plant with enough roots to keep it alive.   The blackthorns grow  in clumps with a "single"  root system that starts from the mother plant.  Quite often the plant you have selected doesn't have fine roots at all.  There is only a kind of a root runner with no fine roots that is disappearing into the ground.   

The small blackthorn on the pic has a fairly nice twisted trunk with the first signs of aging bark.  The trunk has a reversed taper  unfortunately.  I have tried to improve that by leaving there a sacrifice branch (the first one on the right ) and root thread grafting.    The results of the thread graft are not as good as I hoped.  I think that the main reason is the quality of the donor plants.  It was quite difficult to find a seedling with a straight trunk.  Because of that I am trying to propagate the cuttings that could be used for the grafts.  Will see how this work.  The sacrifice branch maybe works  too good seeing the crack of the bark below it. 
Anyway, I believe that the taper of the trunk will get on the right proportion by the time a proper ramification is achieved within next 2-3 years and will go only better year by year.

Presented small trees:


    Prunus spinosa_1               Jun. communis  here          Acer campestre here

To be presented next time:

Prunus spinosa_2


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