Prunus mahaleb No10_Important part is still missing...

Another Yamadori Prunus mahaleb  that is getting close to its first bonsai pot...  The height of the tree is now nearly 35 cm - I think this is the right size.   The right top quarter is still missing some wood.  But luckily it is on the way in the most natural form. Yes, a new bud, I was longingly waiting for has appeared there and formed a branchlet.   

Yamadori Prunus mahaleb in training as bonsai

Yamadori Prunus mahaleb in training as bonsai

Yamadori Prunus mahaleb in training as bonsai

Yamadori Prunus mahaleb in training as bonsai

Yamadori Prunus mahaleb in training as bonsai

Previous articles about this tree here


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