Quince_Cydonia oblonga_Seedlings

I have fallen in love with Quinces...

Autumn 2016

I have collected some seeds.  Let them to be bitten by frost for a few nights and then placed them into the plastic box filled with sphagnum moss and stored them in the fridge.

Feb 2017

Eager to have a kick start.   Seeds placed on the tray with cotton wool and added water.  Tray has been placed on the inner windowsill.

March 2017
Yellowish stems with cotyledons.   We are on the way...

Now it is time to test if the practice of removing the main root on such young plants works for me.  The  main root has been removed with a razor blade on some of the seedlings.  The cut has been done on the white thicken part of the stem. The stems were dipped into the rooting hormone and planted into a shallow container ( just three cm of substrate 7 seedlings in group ).  
Just in case some of the seedlings were left untouched and planted in groups in the standard container.

No pics on this stage  😞.  All the seedlings without the main roots have developed the leaves and looked quite happy.  The same for the other group.

June 2017  
Time to check the results. The pic below - seedlings from a shallow container.  Time to replant the seedlings into their own container.  At this stage I have used a standard sized container.  I guess I should have used a flat one again.


October 2017

Height range:  30-45 cm
Trunk width: 0,7 cm


Plan for the 2018:
Ground.  Each plant on its own piece of board with nicely spread roots to start forming  good  looking nebari.   


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