Falling in love...


I have been stricken by spotting fruits of  common spindle tree.

It has taken me few years of search to find a reasonable sized trunk.  Just that.  So I need to build it from scratch.  Lovely.

At the same time I was also searching for much smaller specimen to get a base for shohin.   It was even more difficult ( for me ) being as blind as Jan Ĺ˝izka in his old age.  But at the end  ( as it should be in good Czech fairy tails ) I was lucky to stumble over something that has looked  ok.  If we forget the long nasty looking root and overgrown leader. 

Collection in spring 2017.  Active growth for the full season.  Late spring 2018 - decided to ground layer the small beast.  Done.  Then really hot and dry summer.   The poor thing has lost most of its foliage.  First careful check of the ground layer in early September.  No visible roots there.  Luckily the autumn was quite nice and warm. I have been moving the pot with the tree around the yard to give as much sunshine as possible.   During these days the tree has started new growth and first tiny, white roots have started to grow.

21st November 2018

Before separation.  Layering medium_moss and fine akadama.

From the bottom

Current height excluding the whip with few remaining leaves: 15 cm

I will keep the plant in the attic to avoid temps below 0°C.  Will see how it goes in the spring...


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