Pyrus pyraster_Shohin_pre bonsai

 European wild pear is one of my favorite tree.   Aged bark, wild appearance, blossoms, tiny fruit and beautiful autumn colours make of it a great candidate for  Four Season Bonsai.  

Collected in cental Bohemia in 2017, air layered in 2019. 

Current height:  22 cm - the top shoot included, target  18-19 cm

Width:  24 cm


Left side


Alligator skin nicely developed.  Nebari - nothing to see there (YET ), but it is on the way - just look closer. Another five years and it might be there...:)

 After the late summer inspection. Wiring, adding new load of Biogold and then back under the plastic cover to keep moss in place.  The moss will be removed in late autumn just before the winter rest to have better control of soil moisture.


  1. Ahoj, tento stromček som prehliadol. Parádny materiál, ako vždy. Teším sa na ďalší vývoj.

  2. Díky, Rasťo. To víš, musím se snažit. Kluci na Slovensku mají laťku nastavenou pěkně vysoko...


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