A root stand?



I live in a place where you can find many abandoned orchards.  Sad.  The local producer was not able or willing to compete with the imported product and sold it to developers.  After all these locations are close to Prague so you can understand.  It was at the end of the 90 ties.  Since then - some of the land of orchards  was covered with blocks of flats ( crazy - this is supposed to be country land ) and many others are still there with overgrown trees.   Bad for the country, but something good for me.  I do there to get some nice tasting apples ( nothing to compare with the product engineered for the maximum profit ) and sometimes also to have some wood.   A few years ago I was able to collect there an interesting  V shaped trunk.   

I have started to work on it at the end of the last year and the carving work has been  done in the early days of Jan.  Since then I am working on the finish.

Some additional wood has been added to get the third leg.   The other two have been converted from the remains of the branches/trunk


Carving finished.  And now into dying.  This time I have used a alcohol based dye.  The initial result was to put it mildly  a disaster.   Resand a bit, lighten the shade of the colour and this is the result. Much better.  

And now the finish.  Tung oil and resin. 4-6 coats needed. 

You can see the special grain of wood at the place of the compression



  1. Krásná práca. Páči sa mi tá pôdorysná nepravidelnosť, pôsobí to veľmi prirodzene. Vláďo, prajem veľa zdravia a radosti z práce s drevom. R.

    1. Díky, Rasťo. Máš "vycvičené" oko a Tvá pochvala potěší dvojnásob.
      Přeji Ti pevné zdraví a štěstí v novém roce.

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