Yamadori_Prunus mahaleb_How old is this tree?
It is quite common to ask this question. Supported by many professionals who sell trees and instead of providing details of origin, variety and substrate used they try to impress the potential buyer with AGE of the tree. Just comparing the size of the tree and its presented age, I do have a strong feeling that there is obvious clash. If these guys are just like me each of them would add some years once the tree moves from their hand. So at the end the tree that in my oppinion is about 3-4 years old is claimed to be 8-10 years in propagation. Unfortunately, this AGEING is typical not only for the bonsai retailers. A great bonsai amateur Mr. Pall is a good example of that. Well, I believe that he IS in fact a well established bonsai retailer with great marketing skills, but because he always disclaimed that he must be an amateur then. What really strikes me was the...