Bonsai stands_Ji-ita boards

Bonsai stands_Ji-ita boards
I have always a plan to make my own bonsai stand(s).   After all, I am a Czech and there is a common believe in our country ( rather a wishfull thinking ) that the Czechs have golden hands -  meaning very manually skilled.

Looking at my first attempts on the ji ita boards I have some doubts that the statement in the first paragraph covers ALL the Czechs.

The first ji ita board  is an apple tree - a simple transverse cut with some additional carving of the edge.   I do like the nicely coloured wood core.

Dimension:  190*180*10 mm

The second one comes from the locust tree and it has a partial burl in it.  Again this one is made from solid wood and the top is an authentic partial burl. No veneer as you can see on the edge - compare with the apple ji ita board.

Dimension: 190*130*9 mm

There are nearly a dosen new ones in production.  All  from a locust tree burl.

I hope I will get better and better.  


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