One can smell the autumn in the air...

One can smell the autumn in the air...
but it seems most of the trees and a number of my favourite plants in the backyard are apparently suffering from a bad cold.   I do not have any better explanation for the nice juicy green colour of their leaves.  Not to mention even some blossoms.   Not bad though.  At least they are still working hard to store as much carbohydrates as possible.  Good for the next season.  I hope...

Arenaria montana

Erodium album

Erodium Bishop's form

Lithodora diffusa. In reality the colour is much more darker...

Prunus mahaleb still  working hard...I do not plan any autumn pruning - leaving that for the late winter time

In the meantime I follow blogs of my fellow bloggers to see some nice colours of the autumn carnival.

OK, to spend the time a bit more productively I am about to post an article about my attempts on threadgragting.  Should be here on this Wednesday...

And now off to the forest to see if there are any mushrooms left after the weekend invansion of  turists from Prague.  It is sunny outside  +10°C, a shame to sit at home...


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