Roots over rock_a season from the start

I am moving more and more from Homo sociologicus  to Homo collecticus.

Yamadori  to start with. But in recent months I have enlarged the radius of my objects of interests to pieces of deadwood and stones.   Sometimes quite heavy load for my back to carry.
Addiction of any sort is dangerous...

Having a lot of nice rocks it has not taken too much time to get to the point where I have started thinking about connecting the rocks with the wood.  Live wood in this case. Root Over Rock.  Or ROR  if you like.

As it is with any other new project you need A QUICK WIN.   Something that gives you confidence and boosts your determination to scramble up on a higher level. 
A Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea looks OK for this purpose.

Autumn 2017.

Root over rock, bonsai, berberis

How we did get there....

Shopping list Spring 2017:   Seedling with a reasonable lengthy roots,  a piece of rock, sphagnum moss, plastic tape and shade cloth.

Summer 2017

Autumn 2017
Roots before combing with a soft brush

Pieces of sphagnum moss removed and roots pruned to get a basic structure.  The section in the center looks a bit weak, doesn't it.


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