The naked truth

Yamadori, Bonsai, Bonsaj, Prunus mahaleb,

Yamadori, Bonsai, Bonsaj, Prunus mahaleb,

Yamadori, Bonsai, Bonsaj, Prunus mahaleb, Mahalebka
14.11.2017  Exactly 4 years of growth since the first image.

5° tip to the right

I am about to make a light pruning later this week.  Just the terminal buds and a smaller section of the twigs.  No wiring.  I leave that for a spring just before the new growth starts to think about lignification.  Then I will do some pruning and wiring.  Later in the  summer after the second flush I will consider a defoliation to get the third flush.
Well, just  laud thinking.  It is the tree who is in charge...

Then I hope we will get closer to the new pot.  Masculine and a bit lighter then the current one.


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