Biggest blackthorn in my collection_Little John

Yes, it is a Blackthorn.  Not a Yamadori in its true sense but  definitely one of  the biggest I have ever seen as a potensai.  Little John.

I have been circling around this blackthorn for a number of years.  Perhaps more than 10?    In fact,  this was the first blackthorn of this size I have managed to find at a location suitable for collection.   Then I  found and collected another one of similar size,  but with better character.  So this one has stayed on the radar nevertheless I have not set any date for the collection.  The situation  changed some time ago.  Me stupid have "drowned" the poor beast.  Still feeling guilty.  Guilty and stupid.  I hate loosing trees...

Collected 2016

Winter look_December 2017.

 Minutes before my Makita, Dremel, pliers, chisels and saws came into action.

Prunus spinosa, sloe, trnka, bonsai, yamadori

Prunus spinosa, sloe, trnka, bonsai, yamadori

First round of  carving finished.  I guess this is enough for this year.  For the time being I only plan another round of carving on the jin on the left side.  The wood there is damaged by some borers,  so I plan to hollow the area a bit.  You can see the marks made by chalk.  That is the area to be tackled.  And some fine tuning of the uro on the right side.

Little John 
I try to give a name to majority of my trees regadless of their phase of development.  Something that helps me to manage the database I try to keep for my trees. Numbers are just too abstract for me. Or do you think  the Ps_nr 8 is better?  

Prunus spinosa, sloe, trnka, bonsai, yamadori, dead wood

Prunus spinosa, sloe, trnka, bonsai, yamadori, dead wood carving

Prunus spinosa, sloe, trnka, bonsai, yamadori, dead wood carving

Prunus spinosa, sloe, trnka, bonsai, yamadori, dead wood carving


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