Acer tataricum ssp ginnala_Ten years from the collection

 Hard to believe that I have collected this tree in 2009.    Still trying to figure out what kind of pot should we use...  
Looking at the color of leaves it definitely needs repoting in spring.   
And I hope that the "invasion" of leaf-cutter bees will find another target.  But frankly I doubt it.  The small bee beast love it.  Maybe as much as I do.  Different reasons, though:)

Acer ginnala, Yamadori, Bonsai


  1. Ahoj,

    máš aj foto tesne po vykopaní? Zaujímalo by ma ako to vyzeralo pred 10 rokmi :)

  2. Ahoj Mimo-sane,
    skoro stejně. Blog March 2016

  3. OK diki. Neponáhľaš sa nikam :P

  4. Čas pro mě není důležitý. Tenhle stromek roste sám o sobě dost pomalu. A máš pravdu, já mu fakt moc nepomáhám...


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