Betula verrucosa_Slanting birch_fertilising tubes

I have been using  pieces of tubes to distribute  solid ferts ( biogold etc ) for a number of years.  It works better for me than the teabags.  Why?   Most of the time the teabags were far to dry to allow the fertiliser to dissolve properly ( to be fair - my climate and my way of watering - soaking in a tub ).
Having some of my plants in an anorganic substrate I was thinking how to reduce the "contamination" of such substrates with remains of dissolved fert - a reason why the teabags are being used.   As a  matter of fact the solution was quite simple.   Well, one would need to invest some time&manual work to start with but once you have this done you can use it easily.
And there is another great advantage.  I have started to use the 5 litre sprayer to get more fert to the plant if needed.  Just directing the flush of water to the inside of the tube.  It works, believe me...

There is an article on the IBC about it. Just in case anybody is interested (see the link below )

There was no need to use the tubes on this birch - still in a messy substrate - but I like it more than the teabags

I have left the tube on the same spot for longer time than usual just to see if the roots will find its way to it.

They did.


  1. WOW! Parádna breza Vláďo! Slintám! Krása.
    Čo sa týka týka hnojenia, vyzerá že moje stromčeky rastú pekne a silno aj pri mojom súčasnom hnojení bez sáčkov a túb, ktoré to celé špatia, tak zatiaľ si ma nepresvedčil :)

  2. Nevnucuji:), jen říkám, jaké metody používám.
    - zalévání podmokem - nejlepší pro stromky ( promočení celé kubatury balu ) a pro přírodu (Minimální ztráty vody i hnojiva).
    - nádoby na hnojivo - cílená aplikace, omezení ztrát hnojiva=menší zatížení pro přírodu.
    Jasně, tohle celé vyžaduje ČAS.
    Jo a ta bříza je bez časti listí a nebyla letos drátovaná (skoro ). Učesaná vypadá lépe.


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