Sabamiki_directing the growth of callus tissue to improve the appearance

This was the damage done by a caterpillar to one of my birch.  The entire chunk of trunk has passed through the digestive tract of the beast .  The remains of the trunk looked a bit strange - too weak to hold the mass of foliage I have planned to build.

August 2015

Luckily the birch was very keen to close this wound with a callus.  So I have decided to take an advantage of it and have tried to form an uro.   Using an adjusted piece of wood squeezed between both sides of  newly developed callus and fixed firmly to the trunk.

October 2019

This is how it looks like from the front:

And from the right side.
Nearly 3 cm of new wood added forming nicely shaped Uro.   Surely not very often seen on a birch but very happy with it :)


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