
B. sempervirens_boxwood_box_krušpánek_zimostráz_???

Whatever name you like,  it is all about the same hardy plant.

Hardy?  For sure the bush is quite resistant to the attacks of many pests but as we know a keen non well seasoned greenfinger or a delicate moth could do a lot of damage to it.

Just have a look how this tree has looked like in spring 2018:

 And now in winter  ( 30.12.2019 )

It looks a bit less regimented perhaps.  But if you look closer you will see a lot of dead branchlets all around the crown. See the pic below...

At the first thought about the reason I was quick to blame the vigorous blossoming in the previous year.  And based on that I have tried to strip as many new buds as possible. 

 Quite a job.  You need a good amount of time to deal with that.  The good point of it - it gave me a lot of time to think. And maybe having a bit deeper and more honest look on the possible root causes.

 In spring 2019 I have set a target to make 3,5k on my mountain bike.  It was fun ( well, only in the second half of the distance once the lungs, heart and legs have learned to live with it:))) ) but it was  time consuming.  Three times a week, 50k, 2 1/2 hours.   Inevitably, I have had much less time to look after the trees.  While my trees were well pampered in 2018, they've got  to learn to live on much stricter regime this year.   So I guess the reason for the partial dieback was not adequate watering.

There might be something else but most of the problems with our plants really  start with the bad horticulture...

Sun is always there behind the clouds and it will come back again for sure.  


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