Carpinus betulus & Prunus mahaleb_Shohin

Another fairly small tree I have in my collection.  

As I have defoliated this little guy quite late in the summer - early September in fact - I should keep  my fingers crossed for him to make it over the winter.   I do defoliate some of my mahalebs around that time but that is a quite different species.  They can keep the newly formed leaves till the end of December in my garden ( if you provide them with a little bit of special care ).
  At the bottom -this is a pic of one of my mahaleb as it looks now.  Please note-this is not a standard practice I would recommend. 

Height: 18 cm
Pot: China
In training since 2010

Hornbeam, shohin, yamadori

Prunus mahaleb_shohin
11th December.  Sunny day with temp around 2°C . Not sure if such extended season makes any significant change in terms of accumulated energy but it is a fun to have something that green in December.


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