Prunus mahaleb_The dancing snake

Prunus mahaleb_The dancing snake

The story about this mahaleb was my first post on this blog two years ago... click here

The story has ended with  plans for the next development of the tree: namely get more branches and more weathered look of the dead wood.

So how do we stand...?
Well, first of all I should stop sharing my plans for future cultivation steps.   It is a bit too binding for a guy with a strong inclination to procrastinate...

November 2016
The pictures are a bit busy at the top due to the two threadgrafts.  Well, yes - another threadgrafts in place.  I wish I could cultivate new branches from the buds,  but most of my mahalebs are not budding from the lower part of the trunk. In this case not even from the middle section of it.  So the treadgraft was for me a clear option to build the tree to my liking (+/-)

Possible FRONT no 1.

Bonsai Yamadori Prunus mahaleb

Possible FRONT no 2
While it may look for some of the enthusiasts a bit aggressive - there are jins ( the root jin and the two  ones above ) pointing towards the viewer  I feel it different.   The poor beast is just stretching its arms to get a hug

Bonsai Yamadori Prunus mahaleb

Bonsai Yamadori Prunus mahaleb
Detail of the Front No 2
A piece of  a slate ingrown into the tree flesh

 Finally - pics showing the two threadgrafts

This one looks OK and it will be disconnected from the feeder in the spring next year

The lower one - not in a good shape.  I hope that another full season of unrestricted growth  could help to fix it.

And a reminder of the plan made in 2014.  YES, the tree does deserve a better pot.
OK,  what sort of  a pot  will  support the character of the tree???   

I am not a big fan of concrete slabs,  but I guess this could be the solution...


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