The carnival of colours has just arrived...

The carnival of colours has just arrived...
The flowers such as the Arenaria or Erodium are still shooting new blossoms but the autumn has finally safely landed also in our backyard.

Carpinus betulus 
I have collected this little tree earlier this year.   With the trunk diameter of 15 mm it was not the standard size I normally collect but this little fellow has developed into the very decent broom starter - so I could not resist...

Bonsai Yamadori Hawthorn Shohin
As at 25th October.  Still a bit shy to show what he can do...

Bonsai Yamadori Hawthorn Shohin
As at 31st October. Looking great in the morning sunshine...
Pyrus pyraster

This small pears shows a number of different colours ...

Bonsai Yamadori Pear Shohin

Bonsai Yamadori Pear Shohin

Betula verrucosa

I have hoped to get the tree to the 75-80 cm category this year.  The new terminal has shown a promissing start,  but then the tree has decided to switch the energy to the trunk in the effort to heal a bit the hollow part.  I feel she is a bit bossy with me... Maybe it is because I  promissed her a new pot last year and I did not make it?


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